This is what it means to be loved.
It’s hard to say something about love that has not been said before.
But from my lips to yours,
just like the vows on our wedding day,
I love you.
We have shielded our minds from the arrows that tell us
That love means finding yourself
Because we have learned that in losing ourselves
We found something better
The beauty of what is created
from sacrifice
from honesty
from submission to each other
from unity
from humility
We have built our home within the fog and the mystery
of what happens
When two become one.
We uncover it more and more each day.
Our souls interwoven like our fingers
Our bodies reserved for eternity
Our days lived side by side.
Our hearts fully given.
We have created one life from two.
And we never looked back.
This is what it means to be loved.
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