About Us

Our Mission

XO Marriage exists to help couples have a healthy and strong marriage. We do this by hosting events, creating resources, and offering encouraging digital content.

Our world-class speakers and mediators offer leading marriage advice to equip couples with the necessary tools for a successful marriage. We believe that every marriage can thrive.

Our Vision

  1. Raise the Marriage Rate. (Prv 18:22)
  2. Lower the Divorce Rate. (Mark 10:9)
  3. Increase two-parent households. (Jsh 24:15)

Our History


Our Founder and President, Jimmy Evans, receives three dreams, at 3 AM from the Lord, with a vision for a marriage ministry.


MarriageToday is founded by Jimmy and Karen and the television show and ministry go by the name Marriage and Family Magazine.


Marriage and Family Magazine changes to Family and Marriage Today or FAM Today for short.


Family and Marriage Today changes to MarriageToday and our CEO, Brent Evans joins the team.


Dave and Ashley Willis join the XO Marriage team full time.


We begin a capital campaign for the XO Marriage Center, a world class marriage building.


The ministry of MarriageToday is rebranded to XO Marriage, and MarriageToday continues as the name for Jimmy and Karen's television program and podcast.

The XO Latino outreach program launches.


We broke ground for construction of our new home, the XO Marriage Center.

Meet Our Team

Jimmy & Karen Evans

Brent & Stephanie Evans

Luis & Kristen Roman