20 Chilled-Out Summer Dates


Photo Caption: Portrait of good looking couple wearing sunglasses while enjoying piggyback ride at music festival

We know. It’s hot, especially here in Texas. Even so, you still want to spend time dating your spouse this summer. Here’s a list of 20 easy-going summer dates to help you stay cool during these hot months.

  • Outdoor concert or live music event

Look for local outdoor concerts or music festivals and enjoy a night of live music together.

  • Wine tasting

Visit a nearby vineyard or winery and sample different wines while taking in your surroundings.

  • A botanical garden

Wander through the lush gardens, smell the fragrant flowers, and admire the beautiful landscapes.

  • Outdoor art exhibit or sculpture garden

Explore an outdoor art exhibit or sculpture garden and appreciate the creativity and beauty together.

  • Drive-in movie night

Experience the nostalgia of a drive-in theater by watching a movie from the comfort of your car. Don’t forget the snacks!

  • Sunset boat cruise

Book a romantic boat ride or dinner cruise and enjoying the breathtaking views and tranquility of the water.

  • Outdoor cooking or barbecue

Have a fun barbecue or outdoor grilling session. Try out new recipes or your favorite foods together.

  • Water park or amusement park

Spend a day of carefree fun and entertainment at a nearby water or amusement park.

  • A local farm

Go fruit picking or visit a farm where you can interact with animals.

  • Outdoor painting or drawing session

Find a picturesque spot and unleash your creativity by painting or drawing outdoors.

  • Evening bike ride

Take a leisurely bike ride in the cool evening breeze and explore your neighborhood or nearby trails.

  • Nature photography

Grab your cameras or cellphones and embark on a nature photography adventure, capturing the beauty of plants and animals.

  • Outdoor reading

Choose a relaxing spot and read a book together, or each of you can bring your own selections.

  • Ice cream or popsicle making

Get creative in the kitchen and make your own homemade ice cream or refreshing popsicles.

  • A new city or town

Take a day trip to a nearby city or town and explore its unique attractions and restaurants.

  • A local fair or festival

Check out the local events calendar and attend a fair or festival happening in your area.

  • A scenic drive

Take a leisurely drive on a scenic route, enjoying the beautiful landscapes and stopping at charming towns along the way.

  • Outdoor game night

Set up a game night in your backyard and play classic outdoor games like croquet, bocce ball, cornhole, or frisbee.

  • Outdoor dessert date

Indulge in a sweet treat. Visit a local bakery and select some delicious desserts. Enjoy your desserts together while savoring the summer atmosphere.

  • Mini-golf

Challenge each other to a friendly game of miniature golf. Enjoy some lighthearted competition and lots of laughter.

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