Stay-at-Home Parent or Income Producing Parent: Is There a Right Answer?


Photo Caption: Happy African American mother using laptop and working on paperwork while her daughter is embracing her at home.

Navigating parenthood is a sanctifying process in and of itself, but you do not have to walk it alone.

Single-family income or dual income? Stay-at-home parent or childcare? Child-free time or child by your side always?

These are just a few choices a husband and wife get to make when choosing the household dynamic. Though there are many decisions to navigate in parenthood, balancing jobs, finances, and children can feel like a heavy feat. On the one hand, a family needs income to live. On the other hand, parents are to steward the limited time they have with their children wisely. So what is the right balance? And how does one make these decisions without regret?

The Bible gives directions on different characteristics a family should have. However, scripture does not always give a clear direction on the “right” way to navigate all decisions made in a household. Ultimately, we must look to the Word for direction, then prayerfully consider how the Lord is leading.

A couple of questions to get your spouse and you started:

  • What are your individual and shared family values?
  • How would your family’s lives look if both parents worked?
  • How would your family’s lives look if one parent stayed at home?
  • What are your fears, insecurities, or doubts about staying at home and/or working?
  • Do these thoughts align with what the Bible says?
  • Are there any personal wounds impacting your thoughts that need to be healed before making authoritative decisions?
  • What does the Bible say about the role of a family? A dad? A mom?
  • How do these answers direct the course of decisions for your family?

Set aside time with your spouse to consider what scripture says on these matters, determine shared family values to pursue, and prayerfully invite the Holy Spirit to steward your shared decisions. Navigating parenthood is a sanctifying process in and of itself, but you do not have to walk it alone. Ask God to be the unifying piece in your marriage that will direct the course of your family so it honors him most.

Written by: Micaela Randall, @ImagoDeiMom

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