The Case For Marriage


We love being married, and we are advocates for marriage. However, recently, we are seeing an alarming trend of people who look at the idea of marriage and say, “What’s the point?”More than ever before, people are avoiding, redefining, and marginalizing marriage. In a recent Apple News article that mainly presents a case against marriage, the writer states that the institution of marriage is no longer personally beneficial or “good” for society. It also points to astronomical divorce rates, the social acceptance of couples’ cohabitation, and a lack of satisfaction among many long-time married couples as supporting evidence. Reading this article broke our hearts because we firmly believe that marriage is a gift from God and is foundational to a healthy, thriving society. Marriage matters more than we could comprehend. So, we’d like to present the case for marriage.

Here are seven reasons why marriage is still socially relevant, personally beneficial, and an inherently “good” for the world:

1. There is no real love without real commitment.

Love, by its very nature, is not a “feeling” but a commitment, and marriage is the perfect expression of that commitment. Marriage is part of God’s “Master Plan” for healthy, happy families, and it provides a foundation of commitment anchored by love, which can weather the storms of life.

2. Marriage makes you healthier.

Statistics across cultures have found consistent trends that those in long term marriages are more likely to live longer and have fewer health problems than unmarried couples and singles.

3. Marriage provides the foundation for a civil society.

Since the dawn of world civilizations, societies with a strong commitment to monogamous marriage have been the most successful people groups. When marriages are strong, families are strong. When families are strong, societies are strong.

4. Marriage provides security for the husband, the wife, AND the children.

There is a security within the covenant of marriage, which provides an element of protection (financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual) for the entire family.

5. Marriage mirrors our relationship with our Creator.

The Bible teaches that the intimacy, unity, and sacredness of the marriage bond reflects that type of relationship God wants to have with us. Specifically, this paints a picture of Christ and His church (people).

6. Marriage unites a community.

The wedding ceremony is a time-honored tradition which provides a consistent point of celebration uniting the broader community. But even beyond the wedding day celebration, marriage itself enriches and unites the community as a whole in unique ways.

7. Marriage makes love make sense.

Every love story that was ever written and every love song lyric ever sung have, at their core, expressed a beautiful longing which can’t be fulfilled entirely or perfectly expressed outside of marriage. Sure, you could have sex without marriage, but sex is all it would be. Within the covenant of marriage, making love creates a physical and spiritual oneness between husband and wife.

Marriage is a gift only God could have created. Trying to give full expression to love without God’s gift of marriage is like trying to fill our lungs without oxygen. Marriage isn’t outdated, and it never will be. Whether you’re single or married, I believe we should all respect the countless benefits and celebrate the timeless beauty of marriage.

For some additional tips, marriage advice, and more tools to help you discern between good advice and bad, please check out The Naked Marriage Podcast and our new book, The Naked Marriage.

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