Four Rules for Healthy Dependency in Your Marriage


Photo Caption: Two young sporty man and woman exercising in urban park.

Recognizing God as the primary source of fulfillment and nurturing interdependence with one another will creates an environment of trust, love, and support.

In this day and age, where independence is often celebrated, it’s crucial to remember that God created us to be dependent beings. We rely on God, the opposite sex, and the Body of Christ for different aspects of our lives. God compares us to sheep, emphasizing our need for His guidance, protection, and provision. We also depend on the opposite sex to reflect God’s fullness and complement our unique traits. Additionally, as members of the Body of Christ, we rely on one another’s gifts and perspectives to experience wholeness and fulfill our divine calling. Understanding these dependencies is essential, but it’s equally important to establish the following four rules to maintain healthy and functional relationships of dependence.

Rule #1: Depend on God as your primary source.

The story of the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus at the well serves as a reminder of the dysfunctional state we can all find ourselves in when we fail to trust primarily in God. Jesus offered the woman living water, a spiritual resource that could quench her eternal thirst. By depending on relationships with people to meet her deepest needs, she experienced disappointment and failure. Only God can truly fulfill our inner voids.

Rule #2: Have interdependent relationships with others.

While God is our primary source, we also need healthy interdependent relationships with others. These relationships, such as spouses, friends, and spiritual leaders, provide social, emotional, and practical support. In marriage, interdependence fosters trust, intimacy, and mutual fulfillment. It serves as a foundation for effective parenting and creates a secure environment for personal growth.

Rule #3: Building trust and mutual support with your spouse.

In marriage, it is essential to depend on each other to establish deep trust and provide mutual support. This interdependence strengthens intimacy and meets the needs of both partners. Working together as a united couple creates a healthy parenting environment and ensures the development of a secure family dynamic.

Rule #4: Overcome obstacles and foster deep trust with your spouse.

Every marriage faces challenges and obstacles. We have to work through them and develop trust for our spouses. By addressing issues and communicating openly, couples can overcome barriers to trust and strengthen their bond. Trust is vital for maintaining a healthy, fulfilling relationship.


By following these rules for healthy dependency, couples can build a solid foundation for their marriages. Recognizing God as the primary source of fulfillment and nurturing interdependence with one another will creates an environment of trust, love, and support. Overcoming obstacles together and fostering deep trust strengthens the bond and ensures long-term relationship success.

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