Your Marriage Has Influence!


Do you know what you are capable of? I remember asking my children this when they were younger. Trying to get them to grasp at least a small portion of the potential within them. But I have to ask you this question as well. Do you know the potential that lies within your marriage? Do you know what your marriage is capable of? Because God has an amazing plan for your lives.

When you were married, your worlds joined together along with your potential to influence. Your capacity to make a difference increased in a second. Both of you carry unique gifts and talents that the world needs. You can use your skills and abilities to impact those in your circle of influence and watch God do amazing things through your family.

Discover Your Strengths

Go on a journey and discover the gifts and abilities that rest in your marriage. Are you gifted to sing, host gatherings, or mentor leaders?

As you merge your strengths, you will be amazed at what you can do and the lives you can change. One way of discovering this is by taking the Gallup Strengths Assessment.

Use the Power of Agreement

Some couples are timid about praying with one another; therefore, they opt out of it. You are just as powerful as people in the Bible.

“Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!” (James 5:17 NLT)

Now you may not be asking for rain, but you can ask for direction, clarity, and favor. You must realize the power of prayer and apply it to your marriage, and through the power of prayer, you can agree on anything in Jesus’s name, and it will be done. Most people don’t utilize this ability, and as a result, things remain the same. And so this power of agreement lies dormant within both of their hearts. Push past how you feel about praying together and just do it!

Talk About It

Have a weekly check-in meeting. This is the perfect opportunity to share your desires. Regardless of the size of the idea, it’s worth having a conversation. Write them down, pray over them, and allow God’s wisdom to fill your hearts as to the best course of action to accomplish your dreams. Take the limits off and dream big. Then add steps to those dreams.

Look at every day as an opportunity to influence the lives of those around you. You don’t have to be the leader of a great organization to make a difference. But you can invite another family over for a game night and pray God’s best over them. Together, you can serve at your local church and help those in need.

The question today is will you awaken to the potential greatness that lies within your marriage? If so, what are you gonna do about it?

Do you know what you are capable of? I remember asking my children this when they were younger. Trying to get them to grasp at least a small portion of the potential within them. But I have to ask you this question as well. Do you know the potential that lies within your marriage? Do you know what your marriage is capable of? Because God has an amazing plan for your lives.

When you were married, your worlds joined together along with your potential to influence. Your capacity to make a difference increased in a second. Both of you carry unique gifts and talents that the world needs. You can use your skills and abilities to impact those in your circle of influence and watch God do amazing things through your family.

Discover Your Strengths

Go on a journey and discover the gifts and abilities that rest in your marriage. Are you gifted to sing, host gatherings, or mentor leaders?

As you merge your strengths, you will be amazed at what you can do and the lives you can change. One way of discovering this is by taking the Gallup Strengths Assessment. We have a resource called Strengths Based Marriage…you should get this!

Use the Power of Agreement

Some couples are timid about praying with one another; therefore, they opt out of it. You are just as powerful as people in the Bible.

“Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!” (James 5:17 NLT)

Now you may not be asking for rain, but you can ask for direction, clarity, and favor. You must realize the power of prayer and apply it to your marriage, and through the power of prayer, you can agree on anything in Jesus’s name, and it will be done. Most people don’t utilize this ability, and as a result, things remain the same. And so this power of agreement lies dormant within both of their hearts. Push past how you feel about praying together and just do it!

Talk About It

Have a weekly check-in meeting. This is the perfect opportunity to share your desires. Regardless of the size of the idea, it’s worth having a conversation. Write them down, pray over them, and allow God’s wisdom to fill your hearts as to the best course of action to accomplish your dreams. Take the limits off and dream big. Then add steps to those dreams.

Look at every day as an opportunity to influence the lives of those around you. You don’t have to be the leader of a great organization to make a difference. But you can invite another family over for a game night and pray God’s best over them. Together, you can serve at your local church and help those in need.

The question today is will you awaken to the potential greatness that lies within your marriage? If so, what are you gonna do about it?

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